Imperial Navy Cruiser

175 (likes)
9875 (views)
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The Imperial Navy relies on a modular hull for most of its classes of cruiser. Four side-slots and two spinal mounts allow for an exceptional variety of weapons bays while the armoured prow can take torpedoes, nova cannons, and even hydraulic-powered rams. Initial model obtained from the steam workshop, scaled to length (6mm short on width) and most (hopefully all) holes patched up and cut up by myself. Weapons and other doodads are 100% from scratch. Comes with a 3mm hole for a flying stand or equivalent of your choice. Ideal for Battlefleet Gothic and Epic. For ideas on building configurations as well as Battlefleet Gothic game rules, I recommend the specialist arms forum:

About the author:
Designer producing STC-compliant vehicles for your far-future needs, today. Also found at Cults3D and Gumroad. Special thanks to everybody whose designs I have slashed, hacked, cut up, and remixed for my older designs in the long process to becoming somewhat competent: If it is a Chimera chassis, it started life as BiancaW's Epic 40k Chimera If it is a Leman Russ chassis, it came from Stroganoff's Epic Scale Leman Russ If it is a Macharius chassis, it sprang forth from BiancaW's Epic 40k Baneblade If it is a Rhino chassis, it evolved from Fractalnoise's Rhino Transport Vehicle For Epic 40k If it is a Malcador chassis, it began as a gift from a friend who got me into 3D design. I make no claims of originality.


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