Bashkir aerospace Fighter for Battletech.

53 (likes)
6045 (views)
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Bashkir aerospace Fighter for Battletech. You will need to scale to a size you want to use. The model is in three pieces and should print very easily. Heres a link to infomation on this Aerospace fighter: Here's the link for its states in Battletech:

About the author:
Hey Guys I live in Auckland, New Zealand and i love 3d printing and design. Im a huge fan of Battletech and am working my way through a series of Inner sphere and clan mechs which i hope everyone will enjoy using. I have a facebook site where i show off things im working on, aside from 3d printing and designing stuff i also paint wargaming miniatures and display pieces you can check that out here: feel free to pop by and check it out and leave a message :) Im currently off work with a back injury so if you like my stuff feel free to leave me a tip as every little bit helps my family out at the moment.


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