John po gallifreyańsku

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3686 (odsłony)
Ten produkt jest dostępny tylko jeśli posiadasz konto w serwisie My Mini Factory

Wisiorek z imieniem "John" zapisanym w języku Gallifreyan, fikcyjnym języku z serialu Doctor Who.

O autorze:
Bad Astronaut
To put it simply, I'm a nerdy, weirdo, artist whos thoughts and ideas occasionally leak into reality and manifest themselves in my creations. Why the Bad Astronaut? Well sometimes we aspire to things we don't quite think we can reach, we shoot for the stars and sometimes we miss leaving us floating in the vastness of space, But jn missing those stars we float on past the furthest reaches we thought we would never see taking us to new and greater spaces. So I'm out here floating not knowing where I'm going ,but i do know id blow a hole in the moon to leave my mark on this world because we cant all be good at everything all the time so why not be a Bad Astronaut


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