Pen & Pencil Holder

5 (likes)
2558 (views)
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My printer took 17 hours to print this at 0.200 mm layer height. It is a good test for stringing - if your printer can print this with few or no strings across the holes you are in good shape. I used the WeaverBird add-on to Grasshopper to design this (which is why the STL file is named wb3.) The part has a circular top and bottom, but in the middle it is a 7-sided equilateral polygon. This part s a good test for slicers - Simplify3D added solid fill layes in several places, so I did not even try printing that one. Kisslicer sliced it OK, but the end result had a lot of strings, both across the holes and across the inside diameter. Craftware was the best; it produced minimal strings that were easily eliminated with a hair dryer.

About the author:
Former computer geek and independent consultant with long-term interest in 3D graphics and modeling.


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