Naszyjnik z wisiorkiem Eclipse

38 (polubienia)
3577 (odsłony)
Ten produkt jest dostępny tylko jeśli posiadasz konto w serwisie My Mini Factory

Ten projekt jest zgłoszeniem do konkursu Vectary Design Competition sponsorowanego przez MakeXPendants dla faz zaćmienia Słońca. Zawieszone na łańcuszku upamiętnią zaćmienie słońca w 2017 roku. Poszczególne zawieszki mogą być również drukowane jako zawieszki do kolczyków lub bransoletek. Ten model został stworzony za pomocą VECTARY - darmowego narzędzia do modelowania 3D online Kredyty: model autorstwa Maureen Nemetski model autorstwa Maureen Nemetski

O autorze:
My kids asked for a 3D printer for the holidays a few years ago. They agreed to combine all of their birthday and holiday gifts from all of their relatives, and they finally saved enough to buy our first 3D printer in December 2016. Since then, we've been learning about 3D design together and having lots of fun watching our designs come to life. My day job is being a Pediatric Emergency Room doctor. I love being able to combine work and play by designing and printing medical models, task trainers, and even PPE. Please feel free to remix and share these creations - they're meant to help train the next generation of physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers, and I want them to be put to use. If you use any of them in an educational or healthcare setting, please post a photo! And of course, my family and I love creating unique toys, jewelry, gifts, and accessories. We hope you enjoy our designs and would love to see your makes and remixes!


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