Iulia Titi

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This full figure has been recognised as Iulia, daughter of Titus (79-81AD).She has a curly hairstyle with a frontal toupet typical of the Flavian age.  Julia Flavia (64 – 91 AD) was the daughter and only child to Emperor Titus from his second marriage to the well-connected Marcia Fumilla. Her parents divorced when Julia was an infant, due to her mother's family being connected to the opponents of Roman Emperor Nero. In 65, after the failure of the Pisonian conspiracy , the family of Marcia Furnilla was disfavored by Nero. Julia's father, Titus considered that he didn't want to be connected with any potential plotters and ended his marriage to Marcia Furnilla. Julia was raised by her father. Julia had been born in Rome and Titus conquered Jerusalem on Julia's sixth birthday.  

About the author:
Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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